Hemochromatosis can be treated effectively by removing blood from the patient. The blood removal (phlebotomy) lowers the level of iron in the patient. In the beginning, frequent phlebotomies may be required in order to “de-iron” the patient. The frequency of phlebotomies will vary from person to person but usually consists of 1-2 units of blood per week until iron levels return to normal. After the patient’s iron levels have returned to normal, phlebotomies will be performed as need to keep iron levels in the normal range.
Project Phlebotomize was started in 2003 in order to provide information concerning facilities that perform therapeutic phlebotomies. Since then the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research has created a list of facilities granted approval for a variance to 21CFR640.3(d) and 21CFR640.3(f) in order to collect blood and blood products from patients with hemochromatosis. The list can be found here.
Blood Assurance
Blood Assurance provides three types of phlebotomy services to healthcare facilities and their patients.
Ph: 1-800-962-0628
Email: specialdonations@bloodassurance.org
Website: www.bloodassurance.org
Vitalant offers a comprehensive array of clinical services for patients, physicians, and other health organizations. Contact them for more information.
Website: www.vitalant.org
Vitalant offers a comprehensive array of clinical services for patients, physicians, and other health organizations. Contact them for more information.
Website: www.vitalant.org
Vitalant offers a comprehensive array of clinical services for patients, physicians, and other health organizations. Contact them for more information.
Website: www.vitalant.org
Blood Assurance
Blood Assurance provides three types of phlebotomy services to healthcare facilities and their patients.
Ph: 1-800-962-0628
Email: specialdonations@bloodassurance.org
Website: www.bloodassurance.org
Rock River Valley Blood Center
Rock River Valley Blood Center accepts Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) patients as volunteer blood donors. More information can be found in their Hemochromatosis Policy document.
Phone: 815-965-8751
Website: www.rrvbc.org/donate/#donationtypes
The Blood Center
The Therapeutic Services Department of The Blood Center provides effective treatment options and first-line therapies for many blood disorders. These services may be divided into two broad categories, Therapeutic Apheresis and Therapeutic Phlebotomy.
Phone: (800) 86-BLOOD
Website: www.thebloodcenter.org
Anna Jaques Hospital
Physicians orders should be faxed or brought in by patient and should have physician’s name, address, and telephone number. We also require the patient’s name, date of birth, diagnosis, hematocrit cut-off (below which we would not perform the phlebotomy), frequency of phlebotomies and orders for other lab tests they would like performed.
Phone: 978-463-1098
Fax: 978-463-1103
Email: blooddonor@ajh.org
Website: www.ajh.org
North Dakota
Vitalant offers a comprehensive array of clinical services for patients, physicians, and other health organizations. Contact them for more information.
Website: www.vitalant.org
Oklahoma Blood Institute
Therapeutic phlebotomy can only be performed when prescribed by a personal physician and in collaboration with one of their physicians.
Phone: 405-297-5597
Fax: 405-297-5598
Website: https://obi.org/about-us/therapeutic-phlebotomy/
Blood Assurance
Blood Assurance provides three types of phlebotomy services to healthcare facilities and their patients.
Phone: 1-800-962-0628
Email: specialdonations@bloodassurance.org
Website: www.bloodassurance.org
We Are Blood
We Are Blood offers in house therapeutic phlebotomy for patients who need blood drawn to treat an underlying medical condition. A current physician prescription documented on our order form is required for therapeutic phlebotomy. Orders are good for one year.
Phone: 512-206-1265
Fax: 512-206-1365
Email: WrBClinicalServices@weareblood.org
Website: https://weareblood.org/therapeutic-phlebotomy/
Carter BloodCare
There are two types of blood draws in their program – allogeneic or therapeutic. Allogeneic means that your blood can be used for transfusion to a hospital patient, while therapeutic means that your blood is not used for transfusion purposes.
Phone: 817-412-5603
Email: DN@carterbloodcare.org
Website: www.carterbloodcare.org
Coffee Memorial Blood Center
Phone: 806-358-4563
Website: www.thegiftoflife.org
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center
Phone: 210-757-9505
Website: https://biobridgeglobal.org/donors/
Texoma Regional Blood Center
Phone: 903-893-4314
Website: https://www.texomablood.org/
Vitalant offers a comprehensive array of clinical services for patients, physicians, and other health organizations. Contact them for more information.
Website: www.vitalant.org